Addiction Services
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba - Main Portage La Prairie Office
Address: 205-9 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J9
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1160, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J9
Phone: 204-857-8353; Manitoba Addiction Helpline: 1-855-662-6605
Fax: 204-239-4860
Email: N/A
Services: Provides community based treatment for youth and adults, school based services, family services, and prevention activities.
Eligibility: Youth, family and individuals with alcohol or substance abuse problems; gambling; mild and severe cases.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email, visit their webpages or contact the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba for more information.
Addictions Foundation Of Manitoba
Compass Youth Live-In Program
Address: 175 Nomad Street, Southport, MB R0H 1N1
Phone: 204-428-6600
Fax: 204-428-6611
Email: [email protected]
Services: Compass program is an eight week residential program for 12-18 years old individuals who have problems with use of alcohol or other drugs. Program components include: assessment; individual and group counselling; medical and psychological services; academic programming; recreation and leisure; health education and counseling; intro to 12 Step programming; and education/support for families. Clients have access to youth care workers, counselors, nurses, learning coordinator, leisure consultant, clinical supervisor, and medical and psychological services.
Eligibility: Youth (12-18 years old) who experience significant problems with use of alcohol or other drugs.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email, visit their webpages or contact the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba for more information.
Hours: N/A
Additional Information: Program length is 8 weeks.
Canadian Mental Health Association - Central Region
Address: 102 1st Street North West, Portage la Prairie MB, R1N 1Y9
Phone: 204-239-6590
Email: [email protected]
Services: CMHA provides mental health support services ranging from Peer/Self-Help Initiatives, Housing, Recovery and Well-being Education, and Drop in support. They offer guidance in finding help and understanding mental health. Some of their programs include: Community Wellness Initiative, Fisher Apartments, Portable Housing Benefit, Thrive Learning Centre, Senior Supported Group Living, Supported Housing, $3.00 hot breakfast on Friday mornings. A Support Directory is available on their website with links, emails and phone numbers of other helpful and important organizations and branches.
RAAM Clinic (Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine)
Address: 159 5th Street South East, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 1H4
Phone: 204-239-8800
Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-3pm
Services: RAAM is a walk-in clinic for adults 18+ looking to get help with high risk substance use and addiction.
Phone: 1-877-254-3348 for information and meeting times
Services: Support for individuals whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking
Cost: N/A
Phone: 204-870-9775 for information and meeting times
Services: Support for teens whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking
Cost: N/A
Alcoholics Anonymous
Phone: 204-239-6590
Meeting times: Monday 7:30 pm, Tuesday 5 pm, Wednesday 7:30 pm, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 pm, Sunday at 11:00 am
*Last Friday of the month, Birthday/Speaker Open Meeting*
Location: 102 1st St NW Portage la Prairie, MB
Services: Following the 12 step program ideology, those seeking support with sobriety are welcome to attend.
Narcotics Anonymous
Phone: 1-204-239-6590
Meeting Times: Wednesday 5 pm, Thursday 7:30 pm (Women's), Friday 9:30 pm, Saturday 12 pm & 8 pm, Sunday 8 pm
*Last Friday of the month, Birthday/Speaker Open Meeting*
Location: 102 1st St NW Portage la Prairie, MB
Services: Following the 12 step program ideology, those seeking support to live without dependence on drugs are welcome to attend.
24 Hour Problem Gambling
Phone: Toll Free: 1-800-463-1554
Hours: 24/7
Services: To provide support to those seeking assistance with gambling.
PCRC Main Line: 204-240-7272
PCRC Email: [email protected] PCRC Website:
PCRC Address: 56 Royal Road N, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1
PCRC Email: [email protected] PCRC Website:
PCRC Address: 56 Royal Road N, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1