Food Programs
Canadian Mental Health Association - Breakfast Program
Address: 236 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0K9
Phone: 204-239-6590
Fax: 204-857-2869
Email: [email protected]
Services: With donations by McCains, Simplot and Can-Oat Milling, the Canadian Mental Health Association in Portage la Prairie provides a big breakfast for their clients with mental health issues once a week.
Eligibility: Clients of the Canadian Mental Health Association
Cost: $1.00
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their location for more information and how the breakfast program works for it's members.
Hours: Friday mornings.
Additional Information: Breakfast program is help at the clubhouse with a team of CMHA and RHA staff.
First Presbyterian Church - Soup Kitchen
Address: 17 Royal Road South, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1T8
Phone: 204-857-4351
Email: [email protected]
Services: First Presbyterian Church's Soup Kitchen served 7,850 meals in 2012. Much of the food is donated from Hutterite colonies, Co-op and Panko's.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Cost: Free.
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their location for more information.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Closed on most holidays.
Additional Information: Volunteer opportunities are available - involves approximately one day a month for about 3 hours (10:00 am-1:30 pm). Cheques are made payable to "First Presbyterian Soup Kitchen", and tax receipts are issued at the end of the year.
Herman Prior Senior Services Centre Inc.
Address: 40 Royal Road North, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1
Phone: 204-857-6951
Fax: 204-857-6743
Services: Provides services and activities that are not readily available from other agencies that enhance the lifestyle and well-being of persons 55 years of age and over. Services include a meal program that runs Monday to Friday at noon. Health Care and Support Groups: blood pressure clinic, foot care clinics, hearing clinics, medical equipment loan service, stroke recovery group, Minds in Motion Alzheimer support group. Social and Recreational Activities: Clogging, cribbage, floor curling, day trips, line dancing, painting, pool/snooker, exercise classes, yoga, prior relations genealogy group, floor shuffleboard, square dancing, tai chi, whist, euchre, bridge, pickleball, resistance band and weaving.
Eligibility: Open to all
Cost: Varies depending on activity and if a member.
How to Access: Phone or visit for more information .
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30pm. Meal prgram runs Monday to Friday at noon.
Additional Information: Meal Program reservations are required by the day before.
Meals on Wheels Program
Address: 165 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L7
Phone: 204-239-6312
Services: Provides a hot meal to persons who are confined to their homes or who for any reason are incapable of preparing meals. We do offer meals to the rural municipality. Services have also been established in five locations in the community: Oaktree Towers, Stephen's Apartments, Rotary Park, Oddfellows Towers and Regency House.
Eligibility: Seniors.
Cost: $7.00 a meal
How to Access: Call or visit the organization's website for more information. Call before 10:00 am to order meals (meal specifications such as frozen or dietary needs are available on request.
Hours: Order meals before 10:00 am, meals are delivered hot between 11:30am and 12:30pm.
Additional Information: Frozen meals are available on Fridays to cover weekends and holidays. Special diet needs are available on request.
Portage la Prairie Zombie Walk Food Drive
Address: Locations vary.
Email: [email protected]
Services: Collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the local food bank and raise awareness of the food security issues that are present in Portage.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Cost: Free - donation of a non-perishable food item.
How to Access: Email or visit their twitter or facebook pages for more up-to-date information on food security issues and the details of this year's Zombie Walk.
Hours: N/A
Additional Information: "Our Vision is to Eliminate hunger in Portage la Prairie".
Portage Service for Seniors Congregate Meal Program
Address: 165 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L7
Meal Program offered at: Stephen Apartments, Oaktree Towers, Oddfellows Towers, Regency House and Rotary Park
Phone: 204-239-6312 / 204-239-1453
For specific apartment complex contact information please refer to Housing or Senior Services.
Fax: 204-857-9080
Email: [email protected]
Services: Congregate meals resemble a family or friendship setting as much as possible; every party contributes to meal preparation and serving according to capacity, including users, volunteers and the community as a whole.
Eligibility:Seniors 55+ years of age, whether living at one of the sites, or a community member who is 55+
Cost: Each meal costs $8.00 - covers the cost of purchasing the food.
How to Access: Phone or email the Portage Service for Seniors, Inc for more details
Hours: Sign up by 11:00 am each day. Meal is served at 5:00 pm at most locations.
Oddfellows and Rotary programs run Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Oaktree, Regency and Stephens programs run Monday to friday
The Salvation Army Portage la Prairie Corps Community Food Bank
Address: 220 Duke Avenue, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B7
Contact: Major Brenda Hammond , Portage la Prairie Community Corps
Phone: 204-239-7213
Fax: 204-857-4672
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Link:
Services: Community Food Bank runs all year long. The Salvation Army organizes and provides food to individuals and families that are otherwise unable to meet their needs or are struggling financially.
Eligibility: Individuals or families in need of food assistance or are in financial difficulties.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit the Salvation Army for more information about the food bank; how/if you qualify, how to access, and donation opportunities.
Hours: N/A
Additional Information: Summer months are typically the slowest for donations, if you would like to donate or volunteer with the food bank please contact the Salvation Army.
Free Little Pantry
Address: 35 5th Street South East, Portage la Prairie, MB (beside Red River College parking lot)
Services: The pantry is based on the give and take as you have need. Anyone may put items in the pantry and if you are in need feel free to take out. Items to put in the pantry are canned and boxed goods, garden produce, toiletry items etc. Please do not put anything that may spoil.
Contact: For questions on the Free Little Pantry contact Community Food Matters through our Facebook page
Cost: N/A
Hours: N/A
Community Cooler
Address: 220 Duke Ave, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0S6 (inside the Salvation Army)
Services: The Community Cooler is a Community Food Matters Initiative. Any surplus produce that is donated to Community Food Matters is placed in the cooler and then dispersed through local agencies to people who are experiencing a food deficit at that time. Local agencies are also able to store any produce donation they receive but do not have room to store in their locations.
How to Donate: Donations may be made through the Salvation Army, just mention that it is for the Community Cooler. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays are the best days for drop offs. If you arrive and there is no one there, please phone the number of the door and someone will be with you shortly.
Contact: For questions on the Community Cooler contact Community Food Matters through our Facebook page
Cost: N/A
Hours: N/A
Address: 236 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0K9
Phone: 204-239-6590
Fax: 204-857-2869
Email: [email protected]
Services: With donations by McCains, Simplot and Can-Oat Milling, the Canadian Mental Health Association in Portage la Prairie provides a big breakfast for their clients with mental health issues once a week.
Eligibility: Clients of the Canadian Mental Health Association
Cost: $1.00
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their location for more information and how the breakfast program works for it's members.
Hours: Friday mornings.
Additional Information: Breakfast program is help at the clubhouse with a team of CMHA and RHA staff.
First Presbyterian Church - Soup Kitchen
Address: 17 Royal Road South, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1T8
Phone: 204-857-4351
Email: [email protected]
Services: First Presbyterian Church's Soup Kitchen served 7,850 meals in 2012. Much of the food is donated from Hutterite colonies, Co-op and Panko's.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Cost: Free.
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their location for more information.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Closed on most holidays.
Additional Information: Volunteer opportunities are available - involves approximately one day a month for about 3 hours (10:00 am-1:30 pm). Cheques are made payable to "First Presbyterian Soup Kitchen", and tax receipts are issued at the end of the year.
Herman Prior Senior Services Centre Inc.
Address: 40 Royal Road North, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1
Phone: 204-857-6951
Fax: 204-857-6743
Services: Provides services and activities that are not readily available from other agencies that enhance the lifestyle and well-being of persons 55 years of age and over. Services include a meal program that runs Monday to Friday at noon. Health Care and Support Groups: blood pressure clinic, foot care clinics, hearing clinics, medical equipment loan service, stroke recovery group, Minds in Motion Alzheimer support group. Social and Recreational Activities: Clogging, cribbage, floor curling, day trips, line dancing, painting, pool/snooker, exercise classes, yoga, prior relations genealogy group, floor shuffleboard, square dancing, tai chi, whist, euchre, bridge, pickleball, resistance band and weaving.
Eligibility: Open to all
Cost: Varies depending on activity and if a member.
How to Access: Phone or visit for more information .
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30pm. Meal prgram runs Monday to Friday at noon.
Additional Information: Meal Program reservations are required by the day before.
Meals on Wheels Program
Address: 165 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L7
Phone: 204-239-6312
Services: Provides a hot meal to persons who are confined to their homes or who for any reason are incapable of preparing meals. We do offer meals to the rural municipality. Services have also been established in five locations in the community: Oaktree Towers, Stephen's Apartments, Rotary Park, Oddfellows Towers and Regency House.
Eligibility: Seniors.
Cost: $7.00 a meal
How to Access: Call or visit the organization's website for more information. Call before 10:00 am to order meals (meal specifications such as frozen or dietary needs are available on request.
Hours: Order meals before 10:00 am, meals are delivered hot between 11:30am and 12:30pm.
Additional Information: Frozen meals are available on Fridays to cover weekends and holidays. Special diet needs are available on request.
Portage la Prairie Zombie Walk Food Drive
Address: Locations vary.
Email: [email protected]
Services: Collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the local food bank and raise awareness of the food security issues that are present in Portage.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Cost: Free - donation of a non-perishable food item.
How to Access: Email or visit their twitter or facebook pages for more up-to-date information on food security issues and the details of this year's Zombie Walk.
Hours: N/A
Additional Information: "Our Vision is to Eliminate hunger in Portage la Prairie".
Portage Service for Seniors Congregate Meal Program
Address: 165 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L7
Meal Program offered at: Stephen Apartments, Oaktree Towers, Oddfellows Towers, Regency House and Rotary Park
Phone: 204-239-6312 / 204-239-1453
For specific apartment complex contact information please refer to Housing or Senior Services.
Fax: 204-857-9080
Email: [email protected]
Services: Congregate meals resemble a family or friendship setting as much as possible; every party contributes to meal preparation and serving according to capacity, including users, volunteers and the community as a whole.
Eligibility:Seniors 55+ years of age, whether living at one of the sites, or a community member who is 55+
Cost: Each meal costs $8.00 - covers the cost of purchasing the food.
How to Access: Phone or email the Portage Service for Seniors, Inc for more details
Hours: Sign up by 11:00 am each day. Meal is served at 5:00 pm at most locations.
Oddfellows and Rotary programs run Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Oaktree, Regency and Stephens programs run Monday to friday
The Salvation Army Portage la Prairie Corps Community Food Bank
Address: 220 Duke Avenue, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B7
Contact: Major Brenda Hammond , Portage la Prairie Community Corps
Phone: 204-239-7213
Fax: 204-857-4672
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Link:
Services: Community Food Bank runs all year long. The Salvation Army organizes and provides food to individuals and families that are otherwise unable to meet their needs or are struggling financially.
Eligibility: Individuals or families in need of food assistance or are in financial difficulties.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit the Salvation Army for more information about the food bank; how/if you qualify, how to access, and donation opportunities.
Hours: N/A
Additional Information: Summer months are typically the slowest for donations, if you would like to donate or volunteer with the food bank please contact the Salvation Army.
Free Little Pantry
Address: 35 5th Street South East, Portage la Prairie, MB (beside Red River College parking lot)
Services: The pantry is based on the give and take as you have need. Anyone may put items in the pantry and if you are in need feel free to take out. Items to put in the pantry are canned and boxed goods, garden produce, toiletry items etc. Please do not put anything that may spoil.
Contact: For questions on the Free Little Pantry contact Community Food Matters through our Facebook page
Cost: N/A
Hours: N/A
Community Cooler
Address: 220 Duke Ave, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0S6 (inside the Salvation Army)
Services: The Community Cooler is a Community Food Matters Initiative. Any surplus produce that is donated to Community Food Matters is placed in the cooler and then dispersed through local agencies to people who are experiencing a food deficit at that time. Local agencies are also able to store any produce donation they receive but do not have room to store in their locations.
How to Donate: Donations may be made through the Salvation Army, just mention that it is for the Community Cooler. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays are the best days for drop offs. If you arrive and there is no one there, please phone the number of the door and someone will be with you shortly.
Contact: For questions on the Community Cooler contact Community Food Matters through our Facebook page
Cost: N/A
Hours: N/A
PCRC Main Line: 204-240-7272
PCRC Email: [email protected]
PCRC Website:
PCRC Address: B-56 Royal Road N, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1
PCRC Email: [email protected]
PCRC Website:
PCRC Address: B-56 Royal Road N, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1