Jobs In Portage la Prairie
Website: https://localjobshop.ca/regions/portage_la_prairie
Association for Community Living
Address: PO Box 773, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C2
Phone: 204-856-1190
Fax: 204-856-1191
Website: https://www.aclmb.ca/
Email: [email protected]
Services: The association promotes the inherent social value and role of all children, youth and adults with disabilities in our society. Their work includes resource development, training and networking that benefits individuals with disabilities, families, educators, and other education system stakeholders. They work at a policy level with community service providers to create change in communities - they promote people with intellectual disabilities having real work for real pay, being socially included in their communities, and contributing as full citizens. Their work supports economic development, social inclusion, healthy active living, housing options, and leadership training in communities.
Eligibility: N/A
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their website for more information.
Hours: N/A
Long Plain Employment and Training
Address: Room 110, 5010 Crescent Road West. Keeshkeemaquah, Portage la Prairie, MB R0H 1N1
Phone: 204-857-7474
Toll Free: 1-866-243-6497
Fax: 204-857-7480
Email: [email protected]
Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre
Address: 1016 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3V2
Phone: 1-866-332-5077
Fax: N/A
Website: http://www.gov.mb.ca/employment/
Services: Provides information on adult learning & literacy, apprenticeships, job referral service, job bank, labour market information, Manitoba student aid, Manitoba WorkinfoNET, Post-Secondary Education, and career development.
Eligibility: Anyone living within Manitoba.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their Portage location or website for more information.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
First Peoples Development Inc.
Address: Long Plain First Nation, PO Box 430, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B7
Winnipeg Office: 1355 Mountain Avenue - Main Floor, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3B6
Phone: Winnipeg: 1-204-987-9570
Long Plain: 1-204-252-3366
Dakota Tipi: 204-857-4381
Fax: Winnipeg: 1-204-987-9589
Website: http://www.fpdinc.ca/
Email: Contact forms are available on their website.
Services: ASETS, administered through the FPDI, is designed to help Aboriginal people prepare for and find high demand jobs quick;y, as well as keep them in the long term. Programs and services include: skills development training for high demand jobs; job finding; programs for youth; programs for urban and Aboriginal Peoples with disabilities; access to childcare support.
Eligibility: All Aboriginal people may access the programs and services through their local band offices and sub agreement holders.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their locations through local band offices or their website for more information.
Hours: Winnipeg office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Website: https://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/eia/marketabilities.html
Services: Provides a wide range of employment focused services to assist adults with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining employment. Provides vocational counselling, assessment , vocational planning on a individual basis, vocational training with specific job development and/or post-secondary, support services and direct employment services. Employment-focused services are provided through three designated agencies.
Eligibility: A person must be: a resident of Manitoba with a mental, psychiatric, learning or physical disability; 16 years of age or older; legally entitled to work in Manitoba and show a willingness to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. Applications must include proof of a qualifying disability diagnosed or assessed by an appropriate professional.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit their website for more information.
Militia Recruiting
Address: 143 2nd Street North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1S1
Phone: 1-204-857-7745
Services: Militia recruitment services.
Eligibility: N/A
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Call for more information.
Hours: N/A
Portage Friendship Centre - Partners for Careers
Address: 20 - 3rd Street North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1N4
Phone: 204-239-6333
Fax: 204-856-2470
Website: http://www.ptgfc.org/Programs.html
Email: [email protected]
Services: Partners for Careers links Aboriginal graduates with suitable employment, accessing highly motivated Aboriginal students eager to join the workforce. Resume building, job search training, additional information and resources for those seeking employment, or to further education.
Eligibility: Graduates - contact for specific details. **find out what level of education they need,
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, visit their webpage or visit the centre for more information and resources regarding job and education matters and the Partners for Careers program.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Employment Assistance Services – Portage Learning and Literacy Centre Inc.
Address: 110 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0M1
Phone: 204-857-6304
Fax: 204-857-6358
Website: http://pllc.ca/
Services: Direct one-on-one support with job searches, developing resumes and cover letters, and job interview preparation, in addition to hosting regular workshops on a variety of job search ad employment readiness tips.
Portage Work Experience Program – Portage Learning and Literacy Centre offers youth (between 15 and 30 years of age) a 13-week paid work experience to assist in overcoming barriers to employment and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge. A goal of this program is to help youth participate in the current and future labour market as well as promote education and skills as being key to labour market participation. For more information or to register as an employer or participant, please contact the Program Coordinator at 204-857-6304 ext. 267.
Eligibility: Anyone
Cost: N/C
How to Access: Phone, email or visit the Learning Centre's website or location for more information.
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 - 4:30 pm; Thursday, 6:00-9:00pm; Saturday & Sunday, closed.
Project S. O. A. R. -Site for Opportunity, Achievement and Readiness
Address: 75 4th Avenue North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J5
Phone: (204) 857-5369 or cell (204)870-9855
Office phone number : 1-204-857-5369
Email: [email protected]
Services: Five Phase process to increase clients employment readiness and help them overcome any employment barriers so they can be successful in their employment goals. This would include: Employment counselling, Life skills focus, Interview preparation, employment readiness training, assisted job search, job coaching, connection to employers and services in the community.
Eligibility: E.I. or E&I.A. recipients referred from Training and Employment Services
Cost: n/a
Hours: 8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri
S.A.M. Inc.
Address: 75 4th Avenue North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J5
Phone: 204-857-6560
Fax: 204-857-3325
Email: [email protected]
Services: SAM Inc. is a non-profit community organization, stands for Service, Ability, Mobility and provides employment-training opportunities for the individuals with intellectual disabilities. Supported Employment helps those with disabilities prepare for and find employment in the community.
Eligibility: Clients who work at SAM range in age from 21 up to age 65.
Cost: Have to be referred to us from the Department of Families
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their location for more information.
Hours: 8:00an-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Service Canada Centre
Address: 1016 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3V2
Phone: 1-800-622-6232
Fax: N/A
Website: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/sc-dsp.cgi?rc=4114
Services: Provides assistance in a number of employment areas such as: job search and job search tools, student/youth jobs, opportunities in the heritage sector, government jobs, Canadian Forces and Department of National Defence, Canada Revenue Agency, Parks Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Career planning (resume and cover letter, skill development, etc.), employment insurance program, wage earner protection program, employment support for veterans, employment support for people with disabilities, and employment support for immigrants.
Eligibility: Anyone
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit the Service Canada Centre in Portage or the Service Canada website for more information.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Peak Hours: 11:00 am-4:00 pm.
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities
Address: 825 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Phone: 1-204-975-3010
Toll-Free: 1-866-282-8041
TTY Toll Free: 1-800-225-9108
TTY: 204-975-3083
Website: https://www.smd.mb.ca/
Email: [email protected]
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit website for more information.
Hours: N/A
Visions of Independence
Address: 20 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L9
Phone: 204-239-6698
Fax: 204-239-6808
Website: visionsofindependence.org
Email: [email protected]
Services: Provides residential, day programs and supported independent living supports to individuals with an intellectual disability. Focus is on developing life skills and pre-employment skills within the community. Offers respite services on a case by case basis to some of our supported individuals.
Website: https://localjobshop.ca/regions/portage_la_prairie
Association for Community Living
Address: PO Box 773, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C2
Phone: 204-856-1190
Fax: 204-856-1191
Website: https://www.aclmb.ca/
Email: [email protected]
Services: The association promotes the inherent social value and role of all children, youth and adults with disabilities in our society. Their work includes resource development, training and networking that benefits individuals with disabilities, families, educators, and other education system stakeholders. They work at a policy level with community service providers to create change in communities - they promote people with intellectual disabilities having real work for real pay, being socially included in their communities, and contributing as full citizens. Their work supports economic development, social inclusion, healthy active living, housing options, and leadership training in communities.
Eligibility: N/A
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their website for more information.
Hours: N/A
Long Plain Employment and Training
Address: Room 110, 5010 Crescent Road West. Keeshkeemaquah, Portage la Prairie, MB R0H 1N1
Phone: 204-857-7474
Toll Free: 1-866-243-6497
Fax: 204-857-7480
Email: [email protected]
Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre
Address: 1016 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3V2
Phone: 1-866-332-5077
Fax: N/A
Website: http://www.gov.mb.ca/employment/
Services: Provides information on adult learning & literacy, apprenticeships, job referral service, job bank, labour market information, Manitoba student aid, Manitoba WorkinfoNET, Post-Secondary Education, and career development.
Eligibility: Anyone living within Manitoba.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their Portage location or website for more information.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
First Peoples Development Inc.
Address: Long Plain First Nation, PO Box 430, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B7
Winnipeg Office: 1355 Mountain Avenue - Main Floor, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3B6
Phone: Winnipeg: 1-204-987-9570
Long Plain: 1-204-252-3366
Dakota Tipi: 204-857-4381
Fax: Winnipeg: 1-204-987-9589
Website: http://www.fpdinc.ca/
Email: Contact forms are available on their website.
Services: ASETS, administered through the FPDI, is designed to help Aboriginal people prepare for and find high demand jobs quick;y, as well as keep them in the long term. Programs and services include: skills development training for high demand jobs; job finding; programs for youth; programs for urban and Aboriginal Peoples with disabilities; access to childcare support.
Eligibility: All Aboriginal people may access the programs and services through their local band offices and sub agreement holders.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their locations through local band offices or their website for more information.
Hours: Winnipeg office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Website: https://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/eia/marketabilities.html
Services: Provides a wide range of employment focused services to assist adults with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining employment. Provides vocational counselling, assessment , vocational planning on a individual basis, vocational training with specific job development and/or post-secondary, support services and direct employment services. Employment-focused services are provided through three designated agencies.
Eligibility: A person must be: a resident of Manitoba with a mental, psychiatric, learning or physical disability; 16 years of age or older; legally entitled to work in Manitoba and show a willingness to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. Applications must include proof of a qualifying disability diagnosed or assessed by an appropriate professional.
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit their website for more information.
Militia Recruiting
Address: 143 2nd Street North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1S1
Phone: 1-204-857-7745
Services: Militia recruitment services.
Eligibility: N/A
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Call for more information.
Hours: N/A
Portage Friendship Centre - Partners for Careers
Address: 20 - 3rd Street North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1N4
Phone: 204-239-6333
Fax: 204-856-2470
Website: http://www.ptgfc.org/Programs.html
Email: [email protected]
Services: Partners for Careers links Aboriginal graduates with suitable employment, accessing highly motivated Aboriginal students eager to join the workforce. Resume building, job search training, additional information and resources for those seeking employment, or to further education.
Eligibility: Graduates - contact for specific details. **find out what level of education they need,
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone, visit their webpage or visit the centre for more information and resources regarding job and education matters and the Partners for Careers program.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Employment Assistance Services – Portage Learning and Literacy Centre Inc.
Address: 110 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0M1
Phone: 204-857-6304
Fax: 204-857-6358
Website: http://pllc.ca/
Services: Direct one-on-one support with job searches, developing resumes and cover letters, and job interview preparation, in addition to hosting regular workshops on a variety of job search ad employment readiness tips.
Portage Work Experience Program – Portage Learning and Literacy Centre offers youth (between 15 and 30 years of age) a 13-week paid work experience to assist in overcoming barriers to employment and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge. A goal of this program is to help youth participate in the current and future labour market as well as promote education and skills as being key to labour market participation. For more information or to register as an employer or participant, please contact the Program Coordinator at 204-857-6304 ext. 267.
Eligibility: Anyone
Cost: N/C
How to Access: Phone, email or visit the Learning Centre's website or location for more information.
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 - 4:30 pm; Thursday, 6:00-9:00pm; Saturday & Sunday, closed.
Project S. O. A. R. -Site for Opportunity, Achievement and Readiness
Address: 75 4th Avenue North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J5
Phone: (204) 857-5369 or cell (204)870-9855
Office phone number : 1-204-857-5369
Email: [email protected]
Services: Five Phase process to increase clients employment readiness and help them overcome any employment barriers so they can be successful in their employment goals. This would include: Employment counselling, Life skills focus, Interview preparation, employment readiness training, assisted job search, job coaching, connection to employers and services in the community.
Eligibility: E.I. or E&I.A. recipients referred from Training and Employment Services
Cost: n/a
Hours: 8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri
S.A.M. Inc.
Address: 75 4th Avenue North East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J5
Phone: 204-857-6560
Fax: 204-857-3325
Email: [email protected]
Services: SAM Inc. is a non-profit community organization, stands for Service, Ability, Mobility and provides employment-training opportunities for the individuals with intellectual disabilities. Supported Employment helps those with disabilities prepare for and find employment in the community.
Eligibility: Clients who work at SAM range in age from 21 up to age 65.
Cost: Have to be referred to us from the Department of Families
How to Access: Phone, email or visit their location for more information.
Hours: 8:00an-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Service Canada Centre
Address: 1016 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3V2
Phone: 1-800-622-6232
Fax: N/A
Website: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/sc-dsp.cgi?rc=4114
Services: Provides assistance in a number of employment areas such as: job search and job search tools, student/youth jobs, opportunities in the heritage sector, government jobs, Canadian Forces and Department of National Defence, Canada Revenue Agency, Parks Canada, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Career planning (resume and cover letter, skill development, etc.), employment insurance program, wage earner protection program, employment support for veterans, employment support for people with disabilities, and employment support for immigrants.
Eligibility: Anyone
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit the Service Canada Centre in Portage or the Service Canada website for more information.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Peak Hours: 11:00 am-4:00 pm.
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities
Address: 825 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Phone: 1-204-975-3010
Toll-Free: 1-866-282-8041
TTY Toll Free: 1-800-225-9108
TTY: 204-975-3083
Website: https://www.smd.mb.ca/
Email: [email protected]
Cost: N/A
How to Access: Phone or visit website for more information.
Hours: N/A
Visions of Independence
Address: 20 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L9
Phone: 204-239-6698
Fax: 204-239-6808
Website: visionsofindependence.org
Email: [email protected]
Services: Provides residential, day programs and supported independent living supports to individuals with an intellectual disability. Focus is on developing life skills and pre-employment skills within the community. Offers respite services on a case by case basis to some of our supported individuals.
PCRC Main Line: 204-240-7272
PCRC Email: [email protected]
PCRC Website: http://www.portagecrc.com
PCRC Address: B-56 Royal Road N, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1
PCRC Email: [email protected]
PCRC Website: http://www.portagecrc.com
PCRC Address: B-56 Royal Road N, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1V1